WEC India’s Heads of Corporate Planners Forum

WEC India’s Heads of Corporate Planners’ Forum (HoCP)- platform for strategy heads of organizations hold discussions on areas of comm on interest, policy issues, long term energy scenario and also exchange information on best practices. 

8th HOCP Forum Meeting

WEC India hosted a webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on the energy sector globally” with focus on India on 14th May, 2020. The webinar was addressed by Mr. Dave Turk, Deputy Acting Executive Director, International Energy Agency, Paris and Head of the Strategic Initiatives Office. Mr. Turk presented the IEA Analysis and his perspectives on the topic.

Strategy Heads of organizations and senior executives from BHEL, DTL, EESL, GAIL, HPCL, IOCL, NHPC, NLC, NTPC, ONGC, POWERGRID, PTC, REC participated in the webinar.


7th HOCP Forum Meeting

Seventh meeting of the HOCP forum was organized on 19th December, 2018. The meeting was hosted by POWERGRID. The meeting had participation of strategic planners from BHEL, DTL, GAIL, NLC, PTC, REC, NTPC, IOCL & POWERGRID. Shri Ravi P. Singh, Director (Personnel), POWERGRID Limited also participated in the meeting.
Mr. Sambitosh Mohapatra, Partner & Leader, Energy & Utilities, PWC and Mr. Prem Kumar, Associate Director, Blockchain Technology, PWC interacted with the participants and gave a presentation on “Role of Blockchain in energy sector”.

6th HOCP Forum Meeting

Sixth meeting of the HOCP forum was organized on 21st Sep, 2017. The meeting was hosted by PTC India Limited. The meeting had participation of strategic planners from BPCL, DTL, HPCL, NLC, NTPC, ONGC, PGCIL, PTC India, REC, IOCL participated. Shri Deepak Amitabh, CMD, PTC India Limited also participated in the meeting. Mr. Mahesh Babu, CEO, Mahindra Electric interacted with the participants and gave a presentation on Electric Mobility.