WEC India Studies

WEC India conducts studies on areas of concern for the member organizations and impactful for the sector through inhouse efforts and in partnership with leading consultants.

National Energy Trilemma Index 2023

The National Energy Trilemma Index 2023 is an attempt by World Energy Council India (WEC India) at the national level to assess performance of Indian States & UTs across three core energy related dimensions: Energy Security, Energy Equity and Environmental Sustainability and a fourth dimension of ‘state context’. The “National Energy Trilemma Index” is expected to enable the States & UTs to keep track of their own progress over time and further accelerate their pace towards the energy transition process. The Report is developed in partnership with Deloitte.

National Energy Trilemma Index 2022

The National Energy Trilemma Index 2022 is an attempt by World Energy Council India (WEC India) at the national level to assess performance of Indian States & UTs across three core energy related dimensions: Energy Security, Energy Equity and Environmental Sustainability and a fourth dimension of ‘state context’. The “National Energy Trilemma Index” is expected to enable the States & UTs to keep track of their own progress over time and further accelerate their pace towards the energy transition process. The Report is developed in partnership with Deloitte.

Roadmap and Policy interventions and key drivers to accelerate development of mid-size (up to 200-500 MW) Hydro Power Projects in India by 2050

Realizing the Hydropower potential is important in terms of the climate commitments and the long-term vision of net-zero which calls for changes in sectoral landscape/project development process. The report explores two scenarios (high RE and high hydro) in the context of the ~145 GW hydro potential.

Pumped Storage Development as a National Strategy for Long term Energy Storage to meet net Zero Emissions Target for India

Report covers the status of energy storage in India and explores the future needs of energy storage (for multiple use cases such as ramp support, energy arbitrage, peak power supply, ancillary services, grid balancing, etc.) through modelling of future net zero scenarios and future generation capacity mix. It identifies PSP schemes suitable for use cases such as RTC / Peak power supply through bundling with RE, including tariff optimization simulations.

Tracking Climate Change Policy Development

The report tracks the major developments & milestones in the international policy on climate change and showcases India’s strong position and success on agreements such as the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement as a developing country. It also provides commitments made by other countries and specific developments under annual COP meetings. The evolution of climate policies are dealt with in the report under two phases; Phase 1 (1971-1992) that looks at the United National Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) which led to the creation of the UNFCCC and Conference of Parties (COP) and Phase 2(1993 onwards) and the annual (COP) meetings.

Making Mission LiFE Gender Responsive

The report elaborates on the need to integrate women centric approaches to the Mission LiFE. It compiles data from sources such as the Global Gender Gap Report and the National Family Health Survey to give evidence of the gap for women’s access to public infrastructure. It also provides case studies of training and policy approaches that are centered around the women. In addition, the report explores the different models and theories for gender responsive development planning.

National Energy Trilemma Index 2020

The National Energy Trilemma Index 2020 is an attempt by the World Energy Council India (WEC India) at the national level to assess States’s & UTs performance across three core dimensions: Energy Security, Energy Equity and Environmental Sustainability. The “National Energy Trilemma Index” will be an annual exercise, which will enable the States & UTs’ to keep a track of their own progress over time and further accelerate their pace towards the energy transition process. The report is in draft stage and stakholders are requested to give their valuable comments, which could be subsumed in the final report.

Way forward for Power Markets in India

WEC India conducted a study on “Way forward for Power Markets in India; to identify issues related to Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Distribution Sector and suggesting remedial measures” in professional partnership with Deloitte.

Alternate Methodology for Electricity Demand Assessment & Forecasting

WEC India conducted a study on “Alternate Methodology for Electricity Demand Assessment & Forecasting” under the chairmanship of Shri Rakesh Nath in professional partnership with PwC.



Energy Poverty Alleviation

Energy Access (EA) forms one of the core pillars of WEC & WEC India. Energy Poverty has been the cause of concern and centre of discussions on various forums world over decades.Around 400 million people have no access to electricity.


WEC Studies

WEC is well known on the global energy scene for its authoritative reports, analyses, research, case studies, medium and long-term energy projections, and policy and strategy recommendations.The work of the organisation spans the entire energy spectrum. The World Energy Council actively contributes the insights needed by energy leaders to make effective strategic, policy and business decisions about the energy transition through its dialoge platforms, publications and interactive tools.